
Add Links over YouTube Videos

Add Links over YouTube Videos using two new services:
LinkedTube.com and BubblePly.com

These video commenting services use Flash widgets (Flash movies) to display the original YouTube video with an independent overlay layer that contains your comments and/or links.

These services do not interfere with the video, edit, manipulate, modify, or copy it. The original video is streamed from YouTube while the overlay layer is provided by the video commenting service.

As an affiliate marketer, why would you use such services? So you can add your affiliate links as overlays. For example, you might promote the Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner and you could add your ClickBank affiliate link as an overlay -- Rosalind herself even suggests you do this with her video! See Rosalind's Affiliate Marketing Simplified video and my blog posting Affiliate Marketing Simplified showing that video with a LinkedTube overlay.

LinkedTube.com lets you add one linked button that appears in the upper-right corner for the entire duration of the video. The button can link to only one URL and can be configured to always be visible or only appear upon hover. Here's a LinkedTube.com tutorial ...

<a href="http://www.linkedtube.com/Zgxp4IG06wM05aa506426453ef188489b28d8071c8e.htm">LinkedTube</a>

BubblePly.com is more advanced. It lets you add multiple transparent overlays and each can have its own location/size and start/stop times. Thus if the video mentions a website at 10 seconds into the video and another at 35 seconds into the video, you could add two different linked overlays. See the BubblePLY.com tutorial.

BubblePLY.com offers the most features and flexibility while LinkedTube.com overs the basics. Both services are useful and free. Check them out.