Associate Engine supports:
- Category "drill-down" browsing.
- Keyword search.
- ASIN/UPC search.
- Actor/Director/Author/Artist search.
- Listmania/similarity search.
Product result details are customizable and include:
- Product's title
- Product's price
- Product's image (thumbnail/small/medium/large)
- Product's description
- Product's features
- Product's authors/directors/actors
- Customer reviews
- Similar products
Supports search engine friendly URL's (/shop/parameter/.../) as well as cgi-bin URL's (/cgi-bin/
Latest product data shown by using Product Advertising API (formerly AWS and ECS) to retrieve XML product data. XML data cached on your server to speed repeat requests.
Associate Engine works with and
Requires cgi-bin perl support on your Linux web server.
Multi-site license included that permits you to run Associate Engine on all your websites. Each license supports up to 10 of your Amazon associate/tracking ID's.
Amazon associates have been using Associate Engine since 2001.
Check it out: Associate Engine